Monday, February 20, 2012

Reminders of Kindness

This time of year we can get overly comfortable with each other. Our comfort can be taken for granted when friends do not cooperate or say unkind words. I found these reminder posters from a blog titled Technology Rocks Seriously. Sometimes we need to remember to work hard at the friendships we have made. I also like the last one of how to say good-bye. Every child should leave every day with a good feeling about school. You can download the files for free.


  1. What great reminders! I ended our time together today by telling each of my first graders I had caught each of them doing something good that day. I made a positive comment about each of them and they left with happy hearts and lots of hugs!
    Jenny...Your newest follower!

  2. Thank you, Jenny. I've been so busy the last few weeks, I haven't blogged. I love these sayings. Have a great week teaching our sweet little people!

  3. Hi Lisa I really like your blog. I am homeschooling my son, and I am researching to find the standard common core/or curriculum for 1st graders for all subject areas such as mathematics, science, writing, reading, spelling, language arts, history, and arts. I would like to know if you would recommend me or suggest me books I may purchase to base the lessons. Or even websites would be quite helpful.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Hi Fabiana,
      You might try the state you live in first. They should have an office of superintendent of public instruction. You can get the Common Core Standards
